2004 Position Statements

2004 Water Policy

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce encourages support of legislative measures during the 79th Texas Legislature to assist the City of San Antonio?s ongoing efforts to secure the availability of water supplies sufficient for current and future needs. Generally, The Chamber supports the SB 1 Regional Water Planning Process, the projects that have been selected by the Region L Planning Group, and the continuing efforts of Region L water entities to consider all stakeholders? interests by including broad public participation in water planning.
Specifically, The Chamber supports legislation: 1) to amend current state law, on behalf of the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and other regional water users in Region L, to provide that the transfer of water from below the confluence of the San Antonio and Guadalupe rivers to either the San Antonio or Guadalupe River watersheds is not an interbasin transfer; 2) to provide that the interbasin transfer of water when the transfer is entirely within Region L would not be subject to loss of priority and become ?junior? to other water rights; and 3) to amend the Edwards Aquifer Authority statute to remove the prohibition on construction of a pipeline to transport groundwater produced from wells in Medina and Uvalde counties so that regional public interests, if they determine such a pipeline is environmentally feasible and would not negatively impact the economies of such western counties, could use such water to help meet the needs of the region.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 12-10-2004

Alamo Community College District Bond Initiative

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the $450 million bond initiative for the Alamo Community College District (ACCD). The Chamber believes that passing this bond initiative is critical to meet the demand for higher education and to support the skilled workforce needs of our community. The Chamber encourages the utilization of local business throughout the execution of the bond program. Support from The Chamber is contingent upon a creation of a Citizens Bond Oversight Committee to oversee the expeditious implementation of bond proceeds.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 11-18-2004

IH-37 Underpass Project

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the project to enhance the walkways and illuminate the Houston and Commerce Street underpasses at Interstate 37, to encourage tourism and development east of the highway. The Chamber urges the expeditious completion of this project which was initiated in 2001 by the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, and Texas Department of Transportation. The Chamber believes this project will be an asset to our tourism infrastructure and will serve as a gateway to the Eastside overall.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils / Small Business Council
Approval Date: 11-18-2004

SH 130

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce:
1. Strongly supports action by TxDOT to begin the immediate preservation of right of way for the completion of Segments 5 and 6 of SH130 and to program and secure sufficient funding, including the utilization of the Texas Mobility Fund, to complete the construction of those segments.

2. Encourages the Bexar County MPO to take whatever steps are necessary to provide local and regional support for TxDOT?s actions.

3. Urges TxDOT to concurrently pursue any necessary re-evaluation of alignment and environmental documents to make sure that Segments 5 and 6 of SH 130 will be rail friendly while attempting to minimize and/or avoid any delays of the completion of SH-130.

4. Commends the San Antonio- Bexar County MPO for setting aside $30 million dollars of Texas Mobility Fund money to be combined with other affected local entities? funds along the SH 130 route, to assist in the right of way acquisition within Segment 6.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 10-28-2004

Texas A&M San Antonio Campus

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the creation of a Texas A&M University San Antonio (TAMU-SA) campus in south San Antonio to support increased access to public higher education and to serve as a major long-term economic stimulus for south San Antonio.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 10-28-2004

City Public Service - South Texas Project (STP)

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports City Public Service?s plan to diversify available sources of fuel for its electricity generation by acquiring additional capacity of the South Texas Project (STP). The Chamber recognizes the cost benefit this opportunity holds for the City and to its businesses and citizens. The Chamber believes the acquisition of this additional generating capacity will assist CPS in the diversification of the fuel sources used for the production of its electric power and will allow CPS to provide more competitive and reliable electricity to its customers.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 09-30-2004

Proposed U.S. Small Business Administration Size Standards

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce encourages the U.S. Small Business Administration to retain the current methods and standards for defining a small business.

Submitted By: Economic Development Council
Approval Date: 06-24-2004

Replacement of Lost Athletic Fields

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City of San Antonio to expedite the allocation of bond revenues funds approved in 2003 for community athletic complexes in an effort to replace the youth athletic fields lost by the closure of the Retama Soccer Complex. Additionally, the City of San Antonio should partner with the Alamo Community College District to jointly use land acquired for their new Northeast Campus.

Submitted By: Economic Development Council
Approval Date: 06-24-2004

Transportation Sales Tax

The position of The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce with regard to the proposed November 2004 sales tax election is as follows:
1. The Chamber strongly supports up to 3/8 cent of available sales tax to fully fund the Advanced Transportation District (ATD) to provide funding for needed multimodal transportation improvements.
2. The Chamber encourages VIA Metropolitan Transit?s Board of Trustees to call an election for the referendum on November 2, 2004.
3. The Chamber recommends the sales tax ballot be limited to only the ATD initiative.
4. The Chamber supports the San Antonio Mobility Coalition?s proposal to create an ATD Oversight Committee and allocate funding from the 3/8 cent of the revenues collected as follows: 25% to City and County Roads, 50% to VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority and 25% to leverage State and Federal Highway Funds. The 1/8-cent for other proposals should be re-considered for a future election.
5. The Chamber endorses this proposal?s allocation of funds to VIA with the understanding that their primary purpose is to ensure the continuation of essential services for: Seniors, the handicapped, Medical Center and Hospital, Students, and Commuters to and from work.
6. The Chamber recognizes there are other proposals for the use of the remaining 1/8 cent that may be worthy of support at a future time. However, we do not believe this is that time. Therefore, The Chamber does not support placing any of those items on the November 2004 ballot and we reserve the right to withdraw our endorsement of this VIA/Advanced Transportation District proposal if any other items are placed on the ballot.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 06-24-2004

Workers' Compensation Reform

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the 2005 Texas Legislature to reform the existing workers? compensation program with three primary objectives in mind: 1) improve the quality of care and access to that care, 2) reduce overall medical costs, and 3) enhance the State?s ability to successfully compete for the recruitment of new businesses, the expansion of existing businesses and the growth of new jobs.

Submitted By: Economic Development Council
Approval Date: 06-24-2004

Southside Independent School District Bond Initiative

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the $18 million bond initiative for the Southside Independent School District (SISD). The Chamber believes this bond initiative?s passage is required in order to provide adequate facilities and equipment to accommodate SISD?s growth. The Chamber?s Ad Hoc City / County / School Bond Committee endorses the passage of the 2004 SISD Bond Proposal and urges all SISD residents to vote in this important June 5 election. We further recommend that the District provide periodic accountability reports on the bond implementation to the District?s Facilities Committee and the community at-large.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 05-27-2004

Tim Duncan's Character Program

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports Tim Duncan?s Character Program, which in 2002 was implemented in Bexar County schools to reward 3,000 students that demonstrate strong character values and make good character choices.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 04-22-2004

2004 City Charter Revision Campaign

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce strongly supports and urges voters to approve the following proposed amendments to the City Charter:
PROPOSITION 1 - Extend term limits to three, 3-year terms and removing the ?lifetime ban?;

PROPOSITION 2 - Increasing pay for the Mayor to equal 100% of San Antonio?s indexed, median family income (currently $41,331), and increasing pay for City Councilmembers to equal 75% of San Antonio?s indexed, median family income (currently $30,998);

PROPOSITION 3 ? Establish an independent Ethics Review Board; and

PROPOSITION 4 ? Permit City Councilmembers to hire staff at-will and establish health benefits given to all other city employees.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 03-25-2004

Re-authorization of the Downtown Public Improvement District

The Board of Directors of The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce realizes the need for additional resources to be utilized within our downtown area to ensure it is maintained as a key destination for tourists, a great place to reside, and an excellent locale for doing business. In order to achieve these desired results, The Chamber recommends The City of San Antonio and other downtown property owners support re-authorization of the Downtown Public Improvement District with the addition of the Bexar County Courthouse and Justice Center, the San Fernando Cathedral, and Municipal Plaza Building properties.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils/Small Business
Approval Date: 03-25-2004

Clean Air Plan

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the Clean Air Plan developed by the Alamo Area Council of Governments in an effort to defer the penalties of a federal nonattainment designation. The Chamber recommends that local governments and the general public take immediate action to implement the strategies outlined in the plan.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 02-26-2004

Support for HemisFair Park Area Master Plan

The Board of Directors of The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce realizes the need for adequate planning to ensure public assets, such as Hemisfair Park, are utilized to the fullest extent possible, and supports the City of San Antonio’s efforts to create a Master Plan for the Hemisfair Park area. As the master plan is developed The Board of Directors urges the City of San Antonio to incorporate the following considerations into the final master plan:
-The creation of a viable transportation plan, with the possible addition of a point of entry visitor center, with adequate linkages to other downtown attractions;

-The resolution of parking issues without detracting from the intended uses of the park, while also aiding traffic flow in and around the park;

-The increasing of open green space for recreational use by residents and visitors;

-The communication and coordination of assigned city staff with other city departments and organizations currently using space within or adjacent to the Hemisfair Park area;

-Ensuring that all new revenue generating projects affiliated with Hemisfair Park are privatized and assigned through a fair and open proposal process;

-Additional public hearings and stakeholder meetings should be held when critical steps of the plan are being considered for implementation.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils/Small Business
Approval Date: 02-26-2004

U.S. Visit Program

While The Board of Directors of The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce fully understands and supports the United States Department of State, the United States Department of Homeland Security and the United States Congress’ efforts to ensure the security of our nation, we urge decision makers of the above mentioned entities to delay implementation of the U.S. VISIT program at land border crossings (particularly US-Mexico border crossings) until: a) an economic study can be conducted by the federal government to assess the impact 2004 Position Statements

U.S. VISIT will have on the South Texas and U.S. economies; and b) that modifications and additional resources be added to US VISIT’s implementation (people, equipment, infrastructure and facilities) that will ensure the timely movement of legitimate business and tourist travel and minimal economic impact.

Submitted By: Economic Development
Approval Date: 02-26-2004

U.T. Health Science Center South Texas Research Tower

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce commends the President of the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) for his visionary leadership in launching a $300 Million capital campaign to build a state-of-the art South Texas Research Tower and to establish an endowment that would attract scientists for its operation. Further, The Chamber urges support of both the public and private sectors to fund this initiative designed to move the UT Health Science Center to its rightful status as a “top-tier” research institution.

Submitted By: Economic Development
Approval Date: 02-26-2004

SAWS Proposed Water Rate Increase

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the San Antonio Water System’s (SAWS) plan to repair, replace and maintain our community’s water and wastewater infrastructure, such as mains, pipes, and systems. As a result, The Chamber supports the SAWS proposed water rate increase, which will provide $110 million to be spent over the next ten years specifically on these improvements. The Chamber’s support for this proposal is contingent upon SAWS demonstrating its progress through annual performance and accountability measures.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 01-29-2004