2006 Position Statements

2006 Edwards Aquifer "Pumping Cap"

The Chamber supports amending the Edwards Aquifer Authority Act (the Act) to increase the current statutory Aquifer pumping cap of 450,000 acre-feet (A/F) to the 549,000 A/F aggregate total of permits mandated by the Act. The Chamber opposes any further reduction of the cap. The Chamber also supports the enactment of related amendments to the Act which would protect springflow and downstream water users that may be affected by the increased cap by providing for appropriate critical period pumping reductions and other Aquifer management strategies.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

2006 Water Legislative Agenda Summary

The Greater Chamber supports the following recommendations submitted by the Public Affairs Water Legislative Subcommittee and urges the Texas Legislature during its 2007 Legislative Session to:
1. Region L: Adopt special legislation to authorize the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to accept the tardy submission of the 2007 Region L Water Plan (Region L Plan) so the Region L Plan will have the effect it would have had if it had been submitted timely. The TWDB has determined that current law does not authorize it to accept the Region L Plan, which was submitted 14 days past the January 5, 2006 deadline because the Region L Planning Group members found they needed additional time to reach consensus. The Region L Plan will therefore not be included in the 2007 State Water Plan, and as a result, obtaining State permits and financial assistance for Region L Plan projects may incur procedural disadvantages.

2. Edwards Aquifer Pumping Cap : Amend the Edwards Aquifer Authority Act (the Act) to increase the current statutory Aquifer pumping cap of 450,000 acre-feet (A/F) to the 549,000 A/F aggregate total of permits mandated by the Act. The Chamber opposes any further reduction of the cap. The Chamber also supports the enactment of related amendments to the Act which would protect springflow and downstream water users that may be affected by the increased cap by providing for appropriate critical period pumping reductions and other Aquifer management strategies.

3. Brackish Groundwater: Enact legislation that 1) encourages water purveyors to develop alternative water resource projects, such as projects involving desalination of brackish groundwater; 2) provides incentives, including funding assistance for water purveyors that develop such alternative projects; and 3) streamlines statutory and regulatory requirements for development and financing of brackish groundwater projects.

4. Environmental Flows Protection: Legislatively protect environmental flows that will allow local and state water planners to impart more certainty to the regional water planning and permitting process. The management of water to meet environmental needs should require 1) reevaluation at regular intervals; 2) sound science; 3) basin by basin development; 4) adaptation to reflect improvements in technology and science; 5) adjustment for changes in projected human water needs; 6) a consensus-based, regional approach involving balanced representation of stakeholders; and 7) mechanisms for deposits into the Texas Water Trust.

5. Interbasin Transfers: Amend the statutory restrictions on interbasin transfers of permitted surface water rights (in Texas Water Code §11.085) to remove the “junior right” provision and other unreasonable restrictions so water users in the San Antonio region and other regions of the State may rely on reasonable interbasin transfers as reliable water management strategies

6. Water Conservation: Implement the water conservation recommendations in the November 2004 report to the Texas Legislature of the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force (WCITF). Appointed by the Texas Water Development Board pursuant to Senate Bill 1094, 78th Texas Legislature, the WCITF members recommended reviewing and evaluating optimum levels of water use efficiency and conservation for the entire State.

7. Water Reuse: Enact legislation that 1) recognizes “developed water” is different and distinct from other water and therefore should not be subject to the criteria used to issue new water rights appropriations; 2) protects the ability to use existing and future return flows derived from groundwater and other “developed” sources; 3) recognizes imported water from another basin, groundwater, and the effluent derived from these sources, as water supplies that would not have otherwise been available to meet downstream environmental needs or the needs of downstream water rights holders in the receiving basin; and 4) encourages the state to simplify accounting schemes associated with the tracking of indirect reuse permit applications.

8. Water Quality: Enact appropriate measures to protect the water quality in San Antonio’s major source of water, the Edwards Aquifer. The Chamber believes it is in the best interest of all affected persons that water quality should be regulated by the State of Texas through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and that the TCEQ should coordinate and delegate certain water quality enforcement responsibilities to appropriate local governmental entities.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

2006 Water Quality

The Chamber supports appropriate measures to protect the water quality in San Antonio’s major source of water, the Edwards Aquifer. The Chamber believes it is in the best interest of all affected persons that water quality should be regulated by the State of Texas through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and that the TCEQ should coordinate and delegate certain water quality responsibilities to appropriate local governmental entities.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Brackish Groundwater and Desalination

The Chamber supports legislation that 1) encourages water purveyors to develop alternative water resource projects, such as projects involving desalination of brackish groundwater; 2) provides incentives, including funding assistance for water purveyors that develop such alternative projects; and 3) streamlines statutory and regulatory requirements for development and financing of brackish groundwater projects.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Environmental Flows Protection

The Chamber supports the State’s efforts to legislatively protect environmental flows that will allow local and state water planners to impart more certainty to the regional water planning and permitting process. The management of water to meet environmental needs should require 1) reevaluation at regular intervals; 2) sound science; 3) basin by basin development; 4) adaptation to reflect improvements in technology and science; 5) adjustment for changes in projected human water needs; 6) a consensus-based, regional approach involving balanced representation of stakeholders; and 7) mechanisms for deposits into the Texas Water Trust.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Interbasin Transfers

The Chamber supports amending the statutory restrictions on interbasin transfers of permitted surface water rights (in Texas Water Code §11.085) to remove the “junior right” provision and other unreasonable restrictions so water users in the San Antonio region and other regions of the State may rely on reasonable interbasin transfers as reliable water management strategies.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Northeast Lakeview College Community Partnerships

The Chamber endorses and recommends the creation of multi-use community facilities and programs for students and citizens from communities surrounding the Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) campus, that include the cities that make up the Randolph Metrocom area, as well as the City of San Antonio. The Chamber urges the Alamo Community College District Board of Trustees to support community partnerships and authorize the development of programs to maximize the educational opportunities provided at the NLC campus, through the following programs:
- Center for Civic, Family, Financial Workforce Education
- College/University Partnerships
- Joint-Use Library
- K-12 Partnerships
- Regional YMCA

Submitted By: Area Business Councils/Small Business
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Texas Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports the Greater Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council Rail District in its request to the State Legislature and the Governor of Texas for an annual appropriation of $200 million for the Texas Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Water Conservation

The Chamber supports legislation to implement the water conservation recommendations in the November 2004 report to the Texas Legislature of the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force (WCITF). Appointed by the Texas Water Development Board pursuant to Senate Bill 1094, 78th Texas Legislature, the WCITF members recommended reviewing and evaluating optimum levels of water use efficiency and conservation for the entire State.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

Water Reuse

The Chamber supports legislation that 1) recognizes “developed water” is different and distinct from other water and therefore should not be subject to the criteria used to issue new water rights appropriations; 2) protects the ability to use existing and future return flows derived from groundwater and other “developed” sources; 3) recognizes imported water from another basin, groundwater, and the effluent derived from these sources, as water supplies that would not have otherwise been available to meet downstream environmental needs or the needs of downstream water rights holders in the receiving basin; and 4) encourages the state to simplify accounting schemes associated with the tracking of indirect reuse permit applications.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 09-21-2006

2007 City Budget

The Chamber supports the City Manager’s proposed City Budget that maximizes resources to satisfy the City’s basic needs. The Chamber specifically supports the “5/85 Plan” that utilizes eighty-five percent (85%) of the City’s budget to fund City Council’s top five priorities: 1) Police, 2) Fire/ EMS, 3) Street Maintenance, 4) Code Enforcement and 5) establishing City Reserve Funds. The Chamber supports the new environmental services initiative and also supports adjusting City employee salaries and benefits to make them more competitive. Finally, we applaud the City Manager’s professional approach to the budget and the broad-based community input process that has occurred since the budget proposal was announced.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 08-31-2006

Riverwalk Vending

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce strongly recommends the City of San Antonio maintain and enforce the current City ordinance, which prohibits vending on public space along the Riverwalk, and not implement the Quality of Life Committee’s recommendations to establish stationary vending sites on the Riverwalk.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils / Small Business
Approval Date: 08-31-2006

Tax Phase-In Incentives

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City of San Antonio and the County of Bexar to promote tax phase-in incentive guidelines for businesses relocating to San Antonio that are flexible, in-line with competition cities, and viewed by the recruited business as reasonable and supportive. Specifically, the guidelines should limit application fees, not discourage classes of businesses, should include a classification wage standard for the services industry and any future changes should be done after consultation with key business community stakeholders.

Submitted By: Economic Development
Approval Date: 08-31-2006

2006 Tree Preservation Ordinance

In updating the City’s current Tree Preservation Ordinance, The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports a creative, fresh approach to replace the bureaucratic, complicated maze of regulations that currently exists. Flexible solutions that reflect broad compromise, such as economic incentives and canopy ratios, should be encouraged in order to avoid the movement of jobs and the City’s expanding tax base to areas outside the City and its ETJ area of five miles outside the current city limits.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 07-20-2006

2007 City Bond Election

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce will support a City of San Antonio proposed bond issue election based on a city-wide Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that prioritizes projects based upon technical evaluation and merit, cost/benefit and risk/reward analysis for the entire community, without regard to political boundaries. The Chamber urges the Mayor and City Council to maintain government accountability through an open public process that uses the City County Citizen Bond Oversight Commission, whose charge is to oversee the implementation of current and proposed bond programs, perform annual reviews of the CIP, oversee and participate in the public input process and develop a CIP process for the selection of future bond projects.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 07-20-2006

Small Projects Counter at the One Stop Center

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City of San Antonio to establish a small costs/small projects assistance counter at the City’s Business Service Center, to provide faster and more efficient help to small business owners in the process of repairing, remodeling or expanding their businesses.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils / Small Business
Approval Date: 07-20-2006


The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce supports comprehensive immigration reform legislation that ensures a system for safe, efficient and trouble free visits for the millions of “legal” international visitors who are coming here for legitimate business, family and tourist reasons, and at the same time, does not cause significant disruptions to the national economy. We support legislation that addresses these key principals:
1. Border Security and Enforcement: We support efforts to adequately fund and protect our borders from illegal border crossings and to expedite legal border crossings;
2. Guest Worker Programs with Optional Vehicle for Citizenship: We support efforts that will relieve pressure on the border and provide an appropriate option for the 11-12 million undocumented workers in the US (who bring in $10 billion dollars worth of labor each year to the U.S. economy, and approximately $7 billion in Social Security and $1.5 billion in Medicare taxes paid*) to apply for legal residency if they choose to remain in the US;
3. Bilateral Policy Development: We encourage, through communication and cooperation between the United States and Mexico, the creation and implementation of a new immigration policy with shared responsibilities;
4. Circularity, Trade, and Travel: With regard to both Canada and Mexico, we support providing equal opportunities for legally approved immigrant workers to re-visit families, invest in both economies, and feel secure crossing between the United States and Mexico and the Central States and Canada.
5. Fair & Equitable Processes Regarding Employer Hiring Practices: We support an accessible standardized worker identification system so that employers can verify immediately if documents are duplicated or forged.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 06-29-2006

Ingram Road Improvement Project

As the City of San Antonio develops a $550 million bond issue to present to voters in 2007, The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City to expand upon the Public Works project proposed for Ingram Road between Culebra Road and Northwestern. The Chamber recommends the inclusion of adequate sidewalks (up to 1/4 mile length on both sides of the street), along with the appropriate curbs and drainage to make the street safer for pedestrians and to eliminate the frequent flooding that occurs after heavy rains.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils / Small Business
Approval Date: 06-29-2006

Edwards Aquifer Authority

The Greater Chamber supports the rule revisions proposed by the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) to address the conflict caused by the permit cap in the Authority’s enabling Act. The proposed rule changes would give permit holders flexibility in managing their permits and potentially improve the water market and water resources for our region and community.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 04-27-2006

Texas Tax Reform Commissioin

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce applauds Governor Rick Perry’s efforts to resolve the public school finance issue and endorses the proposal of the Texas Tax Reform Commission for a new broad-based, low rate business tax that treats all sectors our State’s economy more equitably than the current franchise tax.
While The Chamber continues to advocate an increase in net dollars for public schools and appropriate increases in accountability and student performance, we also support the Governor’s view that the tax restructuring issue should be resolved before any other items are considered for inclusion in the Special Session. As it considers this proposal, we urge the Legislature to preserve our State’s competitiveness by including (renewing) appropriate economic development incentives.

Submitted By: Public Affairs
Approval Date: 04-27-2006

Voelcker Ranch Acquisition

The Chamber has been a longstanding supporter of adequate park space and park facilities for our city. To address that need, The Chamber urges the City of San Antonio to purchase the property known as Voelcker Ranch, located in City Council District 9, and develop a major municipal park for the benefit of our entire community. We further urge the City to develop a use plan for the property, within five years of the land acquisition.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils
Approval Date: 04-27-2006

Linear Parks Development

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City of San Antonio to proceed deliberately and expeditiously with the Linear Creekways and Parks Development plan as set forth by the Parks and Recreation Department, and develop the first of the City's linear parks along Salado Creek from Northeast Loop 410 to Austin Highway.

Submitted By: Northeast Area Business Council
Approval Date: 03-30-2006

Main Plaza Project

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce applauds Mayor Hardberger’s decision to allow additional time to the Main Plaza review process. However, The Chamber urges the Mayor and City Council to consider the following process recommendation before making any final decisions regarding Main Plaza: 1) Schedule several opportunities for community input through public hearings, after the traffic studies, project design plans and traffic re-route proposals have been completed; 2) Give extra consideration to the feedback provided by the business people and individuals who work in the area near the Main Plaza and who would be most directly impacted by any proposed street closures or re-routes; 3) Provide details on how this project will be funded well in advance of public hearings; 4) Encourage minimal street closure options.

Submitted By: Public Affairs Council
Approval Date: 03-30-2006

VIA/Northwest Vista College Transportation Plan

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges VIA Metropolitan Transit to work with the leadership of Northwest Vista College to develop a short- and long-term Campus Transportation Management Plan which will include additional bus service to meet the transportation needs at Northwest Vista College

Submitted By: Northwest Area Business Council
Approval Date: 03-30-2006

Texas Walk of Fame

The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce urges the City of San Antonio to create a Texas Walk of Fame along the Houston Street corridor, extending from Alamo Plaza to the Alameda Theater, to utilize existing stored artwork for the benefit of downtown visitors and the businesses located in that area.

Submitted By: Area Business Councils / Small Business
Approval Date: 01-26-2006